Oracle FoP Beijing 2019 萬象更新 智建未來
Future of Projects event is organized by Oracle Construction and Engineering solutions, More than 350 turned up for our event, including customers, global and local partner sponsors. An interactive Innovation Lab and Exhibition Area mirroring Oracle Open World and Cloud Days was set up outside the main conference hall, which included augmented reality, machine demos, 3D glasses and devices together with our Oracle Construction and Engineering and Partner sponsor booths.
甲骨文FoP大會是由甲骨文建設與工程解決方案部門所舉辦,包括甲骨文主要客戶、合作夥伴以及贊助商等350多位嘉賓蒞臨本次會議。在主會場外,甲骨文創新實驗室特別將最新Oracle Open World以及Cloud days活動的展出內容完整呈現,同時與甲骨文建設與工程解決方案部門的合作夥伴,共同推出包括AR加強實境、3D眼鏡與裝置的實機體驗,獲得與會嘉賓的一致好評。