Who we are ?


堅持對客戶 誠信透明 細節服務 品質交付 的價值觀

中略國際行銷是一家提供大中華地區整合行銷服務的公司,成立於 2002 年,總部位於臺北,在北京設有分公司以及辦事處。中略的服務專案涵蓋各種商務會議、峰會論壇、企業年會、商品展覽等各類型 2B 和 2C 活動策劃及執行,且擁有豐富大型活動(千人以上)的成功經驗與案例。

Established in 2002, Chinacom has been a one of leading integrated marketing service provider in Greater China. We provide professional B2B and B2C marketing services such as PR marketing, Telemarketing, Event marketing and Digital marketing for our clients as well as their customers.


It is an irreversible trend that modern marketing towards digitalization. Chinacom’s digital marketing service is a high-level marketing campaign based on the first party user database, through diversified channels, such as mobile device, emails, Apps, social medias and internet platform, to achieve the goal of performance marketing.


We believe, the key to a successful activity relies on rich project management experience and execution capability. Our philosophy is we adhere to the values of honesty, job transparency, service quality delivery to our clients, to make sure everyone got the maximum return with the least investment!

堅持對客戶 誠信透明 細節服務 品質交付 的價值觀

中略國際行銷是一家提供大中華地區整合行銷服務的公司,成立於 2002 年,總部位於臺北,在台中、高雄、北京設有分公司以及辦事處。中略的服務專案涵蓋各種商務會議、峰會論壇、慶典儀式、企業年會、商品展覽等各類型 2B 和 2C 活動策劃及執行,且擁有豐富大型活動(千人以上)的成功經驗與案例。

Established in 2002, Chinacom has been a one of leading integrated marketing service provider in Greater China. We provide professional B2B and B2C marketing services such as PR marketing, Telemarketing, Event marketing and Digital marketing for our clients as well as their customers.


It is an irreversible trend that modern marketing towards digitalization. Chinacom’s digital marketing service is a high-level marketing campaign based on the first party user database, through diversified channels, such as mobile phone, emails, short messages, apps, social networks and internet media platform, to achieve the goal of performance marketing.


We believe that the key to a successful activity relies on rich project management experience and execution. And in our philosophy, we adhere to the values of honesty, job transparency, service quality delivery to our clients, to make sure everyone got the maximum return with the least investment!

Green Chinacom


為了遏制氣候變暖,2016 年,來自世界各地 175 個國家的代表,在聯合國總部共同簽署了《巴黎協定》。


In year 2016, representatives from 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement, which is recognized as the guideline of climate change policy. It is the dream on which the United Nations is built, and the goal of our daily work. Chinacom’s green activities started since 2002, such as taking public transportation, reducing paper usage and purchasing recyclable materials as many as we can. Cause we knew environmental protection is not only the cooperate social responsibility, but also the realistic demand for survival.

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